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Windows In Surrey

Double Glazed Windows

The PVCu window has come a long over the past two decades. Gone are the days of bulky and obtrusive frames. Today, PVCu windows are not only designed to look good, but also to meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

No matter what style of property, we can offer you a design of window which complements the architecture. From the simplest casement window to the grandest Victorian bay, we can create both traditional and individual looks for your home.

Strong, secure PVCu construction means they’ll never rot, warp or require repainting; just an occasional wipe clean keeps them looking like new.

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T: 01932 225554
M: 07930 757117
86 High Street, Shepperton, Middlesex, TW17 9AU Company Registration No: 7232897
VAT No: 989073660
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